New Directions (6-12) » Middle School Enrollment (New Directions)

Middle School Enrollment (New Directions)


Parents who would like their child to enroll in the middle school program at New Directions (ND) must speak to the counselor at their child's school to:
  • Discuss the reason for requesting the transfer,
  • Investigate options/interventions available on the campus in lieu of transferring.
If the transfer is approved, the site counselor will call the ND counselor who will
STEP 1 - Call you to schedule an enrollment appointment,
STEP 2 -  Advise you on how & when your child will withdraw from their school (the day before his/her enrollment appointment),
STEP 3 -  Inform you that your child must continue attending classes on campus until the day before the enrollment appointment or a truancy will be given.
STEP 4Student and parent/guardian watch the ND Orientation - view ONLINE PRESENTATION.