FAQs on Residency and Transfer Requests
Transfers for the 2025-2026 School Year
Intradistrict Transfers (students who live in the PUSD boundaries)
The transfer window for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. For families who live in the Poway Unified School District boundaries and would like to request their student attend a PUSD school other than their school of residence, please submit your transfer request at the link below.
Important notes: if your student is new to PUSD and you would like them to attend a school other than their school of residence:
- Please submit a transfer during the open window from February 1, 2025, at 8 a.m. through March 31, 2025, at 5 p.m.
- Please enroll your student at their school of residence when new student enrollment opens online on April 1, 2025. We cannot process transfer requests until the student is enrolled in their school of residence.
Per PUSD Board Policy 5116.1(b), the window is open each year from February 1 through March 31 for the following school year. We cannot make exceptions.
Interdistrict Transfers (students who live outside PUSD boundaries)
For students who live outside the PUSD boundaries and would like to attend a PUSD school, we will accept Interdistrict Attendance Permit transfers for the 2025-2026 starting on February 1, 2025. Please email them to [email protected]. If you are unable to submit the transfer electronically, please email them to the address below.
For students who want to be released from PUSD to attend a school in another district, please fill out, sign, scan and email your Interdistrict Attendance Permit, which you can find on the menu on the left, to [email protected]. We will sign the document and return it to you via email. If you are unable to submit the transfer electronically, please mail the Interdistrict Attendance Permit to:
Poway Unified School District
Attn: Attendance and Discipline
15250 Avenue of Science
San Diego, CA 92128
Transfer decisions are made by the Student Attendance and Discipline Office, not the schools.
If you have moved, please inform your current school(s) of your new address and send them two proofs of residency. The school staff will give you instructions on how to proceed if you would like your student(s) to remain at the school they are currently attending.
FAQs on Residency and Transfer Requests
Intradistrict Transfer Request
Transfers to schools within PUSD only
(For PUSD residents only)
How do I transfer my student from his/her school of residence within PUSD to another school in PUSD?
- For the 2025-2026 school year, we will accept transfer requests from February 1, 2025, at 8 a.m. through March 31, 2025, at 5 p.m.
- If your student is new to PUSD and you would like an Intradistrict Transfer to another school, please submit a transfer request during the open window.
- Then complete online enrollment for your student at your school of residence starting April 1, 2025.
- Decisions on transfers will not be made until students are enrolled at their school of residence.
- New PUSD students: if your student is on an Individual Education Program (IEP), we will need a hard copy of the current IEP emailed to our office at [email protected].
When will I know if my request for an Intradistrict Transfer has been approved?
PUSD would like to give every opportunity for new resident students enrolling within PUSD to have a seat available at their school of residence. Since class sizes are limited at the elementary level, this means we must hold transfer requests to allow ample time for resident students to enroll. Please be guided by the following:
- Applications that meet Board compelling reasons (see Board Policy 5116.1) may be notified by email just prior to the start of the school year in August.
- Transfer requests are accepted for grades TK-5. Preschool students must contact the Preschool program at the school you want to attend for enrollment or visit the Preschool webpage for details.
- Lack of space in Extended Student Services (ESS), the before- and after-school program, at the school of residence is not a compelling reason to request a transfer. Please visit the ESS webpage for more information about the program.
I am applying for an Intradistrict Transfer for my student. Do I enroll him/her at the school of residence?
Yes, while waiting for your Intradistrict Transfer request decision, enroll at your school of residence.
- For continuing students, please complete Online Continuing Registration (OLR) for your child and choose your School of Residence, pending a decision on your Intradistrict transfer request.
- Students currently enrolled in PUSD who are moving from elementary to middle or middle to high school must select classes at their school of residence pending the results of the transfer request.
- Those students going into middle or high school will need to complete the course selection requests for their school of residence. If your transfer request is approved, you will need to contact the approved school to complete a new course selection request for the approved school.
- Those students who want to try out for clubs, band, cheerleading, dance, or other teams may do so at their school of residence pending the results of the transfer request.
If my student is currently on an Intradistrict Transfer (within PUSD) or Interdistrict Attendance Permit (from outside PUSD), will their siblings automatically go to the transfer school as well?
If my student is currently on an Intradistrict Transfer and is moving to the next level (elementary to middle or middle to high school), do they automatically move to the next school with classmates?
If my Intradistrict Transfer is approved, can I get bus transportation for my student to the transfer school?
Interdistrict Attendance Permit
(Transfers into PUSD from outside of PUSD or out of PUSD)
What if I would like my student(s) to attend a district other than my district of residence?
The procedure for requesting an Interdistrict Attendance Permit per PUSD Board Policy 5117 and Administrative Regulation 5117 is as follows:
- Parent obtains application for Interdistrict Attendance Permit (SDCOE for 341) from district of residence. Click here for the Interdistrict Attendance Permit | Spanish
- Complete all sections of Part A of the Interdistrict Attendance Permit (SDCOE Form 341) and fill in the reason for request in the space provided. Sign the request.
- Obtain signature release approval from the authorized school district administrator of the district of residence.
- Email the signed document to [email protected]. If you cannot scan and email the signed document, please mail the original signed request form to the PUSD District Office at 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128. New Interdistrict Attendance Permit requests into PUSD: if your student is on an Individual Education Program (IEP), we will need a hard copy of the current IEP attached to (or emailed with) the original Interdistrict Attendance Permit.
- Parent/guardian will be notified by email or U.S. mail of the final decision of the Interdistrict Attendance Permit from the Student Attendance and Discipline Office.
- If the request for transfer is employment related, verification of employment is needed.
- If the request for transfer is child care related, verification of child care is needed.
- The request will not be approved if the additional cost to educate the student exceeds the amount of state aid received as a result of the transfer.
- Students moving from one school level to another (elementary to middle or middle to high school) will need to reapply for an Interdistrict Attendance Permit to continue to the next level.
- Existing Interdistrict Attendance Permits shall not be rescinded for pupils after June 30 following the completion of grade 10, or for pupils in grade 11 or 12 [Education Code 46600]. School placement may change at the discretion of PUSD.
- The failure of a parent to meet any timelines established by the school district shall be deemed an abandonment of the request. [Ed Code 46600.2]
- If an Interdistrict Attendance Permit is denied, a parent has the right to appeal, in writing, to the director of the Attendance and Discipline Office within 30 days of the denial. If that appeal is denied, a parent has 30 calendar days to appeal to the County Board of Education.
- Students found to be using fraudulent addresses or students who have moved outside the Poway Unified School District boundaries without submitting an Interdistrict Attendance Permit within 30 days of the change of residence will be disenrolled and their records sent to the school district of residence.
What are the justifiable reasons I may request a transfer from my district of residence to another district?
- When child care needs of the student are met by a parent/guardian or relative living within the district of desired attendance.
- When special mental or physical health needs, as certified by a physician, school psychologist, or other appropriate school personnel, can be met in the district of desired attendance.
- When the student has sibling(s) attending school in the district of desired attendance.
- When the parents of a resident student move out of the district and the student has been in the district for more than a year.
- When a student who currently has an Interdistrict Attendance Permit moves to the next level, i.e., grade 5 to 6 or grade 8 to 9 and wants to maintain educational continuity.
- When the parent/guardian provides written evidence that the family is moving to the receiving district within the immediate future. Such permit should not be issued for more than three months.
- When the parent/guardian of a student in grades K-12 is employed within the boundaries of the district of desired attendance.
When will I know if my request for transfer has been approved?
Timeframe for District Response
- The districts involved will notify the parent/guardian by email or U.S. mail of the decision within the timeframes specified herein.
- Education Code 46601 provides the following timeframes for notification:
- For requests submitted during the regular school year, districts shall respond within 30 days of submitting the request.
- For requests submitted for admission in the subsequent school year up to 30 days prior to the start of the subsequent regular school year, districts shall respond within 14 calendar days after the start of the school year.
- While your application is pending, the pupil must attend school in the district of residence, a charter school, a private school, or other option complying with California compulsory education requirement.
- An Interdistrict Attendance Permit is valid only while conditions stated on the permit are maintained. The permit may be revoked by the granting district for failure to comply with conditions (e.g. attendance, citizenship, scholarship). Permits may be issued to allow transfer to another district for a limited period of time.
- Should the student's home address change, the parent will need to reapply for an Interdistrict Attendance Permit to reflect the new address and submit to the district of residence.
- Should the student’s residence change from one district to another, the parent will need to apply to the new district of residence to remain in the district of desired attendance.
- Transfers for grades 9–12 may result in the student being ineligible to play CIF sports for a period of time. Eligibility determinations are subject to the rules of the San Diego Section of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF-SDS) and its member conferences and leagues. If you have any questions regarding eligibility, the phone number for CIF-SDS is 858-292-8165.
When do I apply for an Interdistrict Attendance Permit from PUSD to another district?
Do I need to submit an Interdistrict Attendance Permit each school year?
- An Interdistrict Attendance Permit is valid only while conditions stated on the permit are maintained. The permit may be revoked by the granting district for failure to comply with conditions (e.g. attendance, citizenship, scholarship).
- Should the student's home address change, the parent will need to reapply for an Interdistrict Attendance Permit to reflect the new address and submit to the district of residence.
- Should the student’s residence change from one district to another, the parent will need to apply to the new district of residence to remain in the district of desired attendance.
- When a student on a current Interdistrict Attendance Permit moves to the next level, i.e., grade 5 to 6 or grade 8 to 9, and wants to maintain educational continuity within the district of desired attendance, the parent will need to reapply for an Interdistrict Attendance Permit.
If my Interdistrict Attendance Permit is approved, can I get bus transportation for my student to the transfer school?