FAQs about Enrollment and Transfers
How do I know in which grade to enroll my student?
What information do I need to enroll my kindergartner?
- His/her original birth certificate or passport (link to San Diego County Recorder Office: www.sdarcc.com)
- His/her immunization record. Your student will need all the immunizations required for attending school prior to registration.
- Parent/Legal Guardian’s Identification (Driver’s License/Passport)
- Two proofs of residency
- Deed to a home
- Escrow papers for a home
- Tax receipt (property taxes or personal taxes)
- Receipt for deposit with the local utility company and/or receipt for bills paid to the local utility company, i.e., propane, SDG&E
- Rental agreement with property owner or agent’s signature (notarized or verified under penalty of perjury)
- Other government or business document which reliably establishes current residence, as determined by the District.
- Oral Health Assessment/Waiver Request Form (to be completed by a dental professional)
All enrollment is done online. To enroll your student and for more detailed information, visit the Enrollment page. New student enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opens online on April 1.
How do I find out about the Preschool Programs offered by PUSD?
Poway Unified School District offers preschool at several school sites. To find more information about preschool programs, please visit our Preschool webpage.
How do I find out which school is my school of residence or “home school”?
Please visit our home page or click here to be redirected to an interactive school site locator.
We have recently moved. What do I need to do?
- Notify your student’s school office staff of the change in address and bring in ore email two new proofs of residency.
- The school staff will give you instructions on how to proceed if you would like your student to remain at their current school.
- If you want your student to attend their new school of residence, please let your current school know and they will guide you.