Board/Communications » Trustee Election Districts » Trustee Area Boundary Maps

Trustee Area Boundary Maps

Rebalancing the Trustee Area Boundary Maps

Final Map Selection

The majority of public comments shared with staff and board members indicated that they support a map that reflects minimal changes to the current Trustee Areas. Trustee Area Map Scenario 4 received the most favorable comments by community participants. Cooperative Strategies refined Map 4 to keep certain neighborhoods together and presented a final version, Map 4B, which the Board approved at its January 13, 2022, meeting. It can be viewed below.

After a demographic review and analysis conducted by a third party, the Board received five map options to consider for rebalanced voting districts. PUSD held a public input meeting on Thursday, January 6, 2022 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm via Zoom.

If you missed the meeting and would like to view a video recording of the Zoom, you can access it by clicking the link.
Use the passcode: PMx3c+vN 

2021-22 Trustee Areas: Background

In 2018, PUSD's Board of Education converted from an at-large election system (where board members are selected by voters from across PUSD) to a by-district system (where board members are selected by voters only in the area they represent). Each of the five members of the Poway Unified Board of Trustees represents a specific geographic area. Currently, the areas are reflected in this map (page 1). To find your voting district, you can also search your home address in (2022 interactive map).
The five voting districts are:

  • District A covers parts of 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Torrey Highlands, and Rancho Penasquitos: currently represented by Tim Dougherty
  • District B covers north Poway and northeast Rancho Bernardo: currently represented by Ginger Couvrette
  • District C covers most of Rancho Bernardo, parts of 4S Ranch, Ranchos Penasquitos, and Carmel Mountain Ranch: currently represented by Heather Plotzke
  • District D covers parts of Ranchos Penasquitos, Carmel Mountain Ranch, and Sabre Springs: currently represented by Michelle O'Connor-Ratcliff
  • District E covers parts of Poway and Sabre Springs: currently represented by David Cheng

Every ten years, local governments use new census data to redraw their district lines to rebalance each area and reflect how local populations have changed. This does NOT affect school attendance boundaries

2021-22 Trustee Areas: Process

Cooperative Strategies was retained by the District to perform a demographic review of 2020 Census data and to determine whether population changes reflected in the data would result in required changes to PUSD Trustee Area boundaries. At the October 14, 2021, Board Meeting, Cooperative Strategies presented their demographic analysis and boundary change process timeline to the Board, which reflected that adjustments to trustee areas would be required due to changes in population.

  • January 6, 2021: Community Meeting on map options reflecting recommended boundary and demographic changes
  • January 13, 2022: Second Review of Revised Boundary Maps / Public Comment
  • February 10, 2022: Board Approves Revised Boundary Maps

5  Scenarios

2 Additional Scenarios

NOVEMBER 18, 2021 Trustee Area Scenarios

OCTOBER 16, 2021 - 2020 Census and Redistricting