District Departments » Alternative Programs » Summer School (9-12)

Summer School (9-12)

Alternative Programs

13626 Twin Peaks Road, Poway, CA 92064
Phone: 858-748-0010, ext 2723 Fax 858-679-2630

 2024 Summer School

  Summer School Registration Window: Monday, March 11, 2024 - Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Students and families will be notified of summer school placement no later than Thursday, May 23, 2024.  Students and families must accept their placement in the course and affirm their commitment to attend by May 30, 2024 or their placement may be forfeited to another student.
Summer School SENIORS ONLY: Monday, June 3 - Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Summer School TERM 1: Wednesday, June 12 - Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Summer School TERM 2: Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 26 2024

Registration begins Monday, March 11, 2024 and closes Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Click here to find teacher Zoom Links

Important information regarding the first day of Term 2 of Summer School.

Our summer school Canvas accounts are a bit sleepy this morning after the holiday weekend. Our team is working diligently to ensure your Canvas accounts are up and running today.
1- Please check your StudentVue / MyPlan to see if your Canvas account has populated by 8 AM tomorrow July 9th.
2- If you see your Canvas account, please read your teacher's directions and syllabus
3- If you don't see your Canvas account by 11AM, don't worry, I'll send another message with info on next steps. 
4. If you are enrolled in a Language Arts class, you need to go to Myplan and click on the Edgenuity Icon.  Your class will be there, and your teacher will communicate through Edgenuity e-mail.
Enjoy your morning and chat soon!
Ms. Sanchez







We have a blend of synchronous and asynchronous assignments. Please see below for expectations and times.


Hi Everyone, Welcome to Term 2 Summer School!
I hope you had a great 4th of July holiday weekend and are ready for class on Monday. As we transition into a new method of communication to our families, the message below is being sent to all summer school students as a primary contact. Our team is diligently working on adding parents to the contact list as a secondary contact as well, please assure your parents we haven't forgotten them and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Monday July 8th 
  • All math, biology, history, PE, and health classes will be asynchronous. Please check Canvas as early as 8AM and read your syllabus, complete your asynchronous assignment by the “due” time to note your attendance.
  • Your teacher will not​ host a live synchronous class this day - Please note their office hours on their syllabus to see their availability on M/W/F
  • Every Monday/Wednesday/Friday will be an asynchronous day and office hours will be available
  • All English classes will be delivered via Edgenuity / once-a-week check-ins online. Please follow your teacher’s instructions for logging in and checking your assignment.
Tuesday July 9th
  • All math, biology, history, PE, and health classes will be synchronous = Live Zoom 10AM - 12PM
  • Attendance in Zoom is mandatory
Wednesday July 10th
  • Asynchronous instructional day, check assignment for submitting attendance/work
Thursday July 11th:
  • Biology students will be physically on campus at Mt. Carmel High School from 8AM – 12PM
  • Free breakfast and lunch for students who are in biology and on campus available in the cafeteria 
    • Ms. Limon’s class will be in room J-3
    • Ms. Inigo's class will be in room L-4
    • You will know the name of your teacher on July 8th in Canvas
    • map of MCHS can be found here
  • Math, history, PE, and health classes will be Synchronous with LIVE Zoom instruction from 10AM – 12PM
    • Attendance is mandatory for Zoom
  • Every Tues/Thursday will be live Zoom instruction by your teacher from 10AM – 12PM
  • English classes will be delivered via Edgenuity, please check with your teacher regarding individual weekly appointment times
Attendance is mandatory Monday – Friday via asynchronous projects as assigned by the teacher on M/W/F and synchronous live Zoom instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10AM-12PM.
Students who do not submit their attendance on a daily basis may be dropped from the course after two missed absences.
Students who do not participate in live synchronous Zoom class on Tues/Thurs may be dropped from class.
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES on Monday Morning? Don't worry, please check our summer school website and log into your teacher's office hours Zoom link for help and next steps.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email our team at [email protected]
Summer school website:
I look forward to the great things you will accomplish this term!
Priscilla Sanchez
Principal, Summer School 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

This summer Poway Unified School District is pleased to announce that we will offer summer school to current high school students (i.e., students who are enrolled in grades 9 - 12 during the 2023-24 school year). High school summer school is not available to students who are current 8th grade students.


Courses will be offered primarily for credit recovery.  On a very limited basis, when space is available, summer school courses may be provided for acceleration*.  


Credit Recovery: Students who need to make-up a course previously attempted (before the final school year term) or students who are behind in credit will be accommodated in summer school. 


All seniors who need credit to graduate will be accommodated in summer school. 


*Acceleration:  Students who would like to request a summer school course for the purpose of acceleration will be accommodated on a very limited basis depending upon availability of space.  Applications will be prioritized based on grade level and will be determined by lottery.


Requests for summer school can be made beginning Monday, March 11, 2024 through Wednesday, May 1, 2024.


Students interested in Summer School should contact their school site counselor.  All requests for summer school (with the exception of credit recovery requests by seniors based on the final term) must be received by May 1. Counselors will request courses for students.  (Counselor requests do not necessarily guarantee that a student is enrolled in summer school.)  


Students and families will be notified of summer school placement no later than Thursday, May 23, 2024.  Students and families must accept their placement in the course and affirm their commitment to attend by May 30, 2024 or their placement may be forfeited to another student. 


Students who have completed grades 9 through 11 are limited to no more than two courses during the 2024 summer session.

Students who need to make-up a course previously attempted (before the final school year term) will be accommodated in summer school, provided that the request for summer school attendance was completed prior to the May 1, 2024 deadline.  


All seniors who need credit to graduate will be accommodated in summer school.  


Students who would like to take a summer school course for the purpose of acceleration will be accommodated on a very limited basis.  After needs for credit recovery have been met, applications for acceleration will be prioritized based by grade level and determined by lottery.

Students and families will be notified of summer school placement no later than Thursday, May 23, 2024.  Students and families must accept their placement in the course and affirm their commitment to attend by May 30, 2024 or their placement may be forfeited to another student.

Course Offerings and Dates:

Seniors-only Term
Monday, June 3, 2024 - Friday, June 21, 2024
Term 1 
Wednesday, June 12 -2024 Wednesday, July 3, 2024
(No classes offered on 6/19, 7/4, and 7/5)
Term 2
Monday, July 8, 2024 - Friday, July 26, 2024 (Summer Graduation will be held on Thursday, August 1)
Any course needed for graduation Integrated Math 1A Integrated Math 1B
  Integrated Math 2A Integrated Math 2B
  Integrated Math 3A Integrated Math 3B
  American Literature 1 American Literature 2
  High School English 1 High School English 2
  High School English 3 High School English 4
  US History 1 US History 2
  World History 1 World History 2
  Health Health
  Physical Education Physical Education
  Biology 1 Biology 2
  Work Experience Work Experience

The following courses will be delivered via Canvas and will require students to participate in twice weekly live Zoom meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM - 12 noon.


  • Integrated Math 1A, 1B
  • Integrated Math 2A, 2B
  • Integrated Math 3A, 3B
  • US History 1, 2
  • World History 1, 2
  • Health
  • Physical Education

In addition to synchronous online instruction, Biology 1, 2 students are required to attend a weekly in-person lab at MCHS (room TBD) The lab will be offered on Thursdays from 8 AM - 12 noon.

The following courses will be delivered via Edgenuity and will require students to attend a weekly meeting via Zoom with the assigned course instructor.  The meeting time(s) will be determined by the teacher and student at the time the student is enrolled.  These courses will also have a proctored final exam.


  • American Literature 1, 2
  • HS English 1, 2
  • HS English 3, 4

Additional Edgenuity courses may be available to students who


  • Are seniors needing classes to graduate.
  • Need a class without a full cohort (i.e., the enrollment is <40).
  • Need more than one class offered in the same term.
  • Have special circumstances that cause them to be unable to participate in the cohort classes.

Google calendar

Registration Open: Monday, March 11, 2024

Registration Closes: Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Notification of Summer School Placement: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Deadline for Acceptance of Summer School Placement: May 30, 2024

Senior-Only Term Summer School: June 3 - June 21, 2024

Term 1 Summer School: Wednesday, June 12 - Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (No classes offered on 6/19, 7/4, and 7/5.)

Term 2 Summer School: Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer Graduation: Thursday, August 1, 2024 at Del Norte High School (Tentative)

All courses will be offered online.  Synchronous instruction will be provided and teachers will hold regular office hours to provide just-in-time support for students.
Online office hours for all courses will be available between 10 AM and 12 noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (except holidays).
Students will be required to attend mandatory Zoom meeting(s) and/or in-person labs depending upon the course.  Please see below for additional details for specific courses.
The following courses will be delivered via Canvas and will require students to participate in twice weekly live Zoom meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM - 12 noon.
  • Integrated Math 1A, 1B
  • Integrated Math 2A, 2B
  • Integrated Math 3A, 3B
  • US History 1, 2
  • World History 1, 2
  • Health
  • Physical Education
In addition to synchronous online instruction, Biology 1, 2 students are required to attend a weekly in-person lab at MCHS (room TBD).  The lab will be offered on Thursdays from 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
The following courses will be delivered via Edgenuity and will require students to attend a weekly meeting via Zoom with the assigned course instructor.  The meeting time(s) will be determined by the teacher and student at the time the student is enrolled.
      • American Literature 1, 2
      • HS English 1, 2
      • HS English 3, 4
Additional Edgenuity courses may be available to students who:
      • Are seniors needing multiple classes to graduate.
  • Need a class without a full cohort (i.e., the enrollment is <40).
  • Need more than one class offered in the same term.
  • Have special circumstances that cause them to be unable to participate in the cohort classes.
IMPORTANT: When a course is taken through Edgenuity for Acceleration, the course will be coded on the student transcript as an online course. There are very specific requirements for online courses to meet NCAA eligibility requirements. Please be sure that counselors are aware of students who have an interest in NCAA eligibility.


For students who need access to a computer, a learning center will be open and available for student use to access online course curriculum onsite at both Twin Peaks Center (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM) and at Mt. Carmel High School (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM).  Other times may be available by appointment.  For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact [email protected].  


  • Students are expected to participate in the twice weekly synchronous instruction (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM – 12 noon).
  • Students who have not logged in or made progress for the first 2 days of each term will be dropped from the course.
  • Students who miss more than 2 classes will be dropped from the course.
  • Students enrolled in Biology 1, 2 must attend all of the in-person labs.


  • Students will meet at least one time per week with teachers to review course progress.
  • Students who are not meeting course progress benchmarks will be dropped from the course.
  • Students are expected to complete a course in three weeks (can be extended if regular progress is being made).
Students enrolled will follow all other PUSD student behavior expectations, including academic honesty policies. 

A note for vacationing students and families:  Students may access their PUSD online courses only from North America (United States, Mexico, and Canada).  Students traveling beyond North America should not plan to attend online summer school.

 It’s important to remember that summer school courses are accelerated courses in which students complete an entire quarter or trimester term course (usually 9 - 12 weeks) in a three week period. In order to complete both Canvas and Edgenuity courses in the allotted time frames, students should expect to spend between 20-30 hours per week with course content. A best practice is for students to dedicate time and schedule these hours each week so that they don’t fall behind.  It’s also recommended that students find a quiet place to work on their assignments that is free from distractions.

Although all courses will be offered online, synchronous instruction will be provided and teachers will hold regular office hours to provide just-in-time support for students. Online office hours for all courses will be available between 10 AM and 12 noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (except holidays). Students will also be required to attend mandatory Zoom meeting(s) and/or in-person labs depending upon the course.  Please see below for additional details for specific courses.


For students who need access to a computer, a learning center will be open and available for student use to access online course curriculum onsite at both Twin Peaks Center (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM) and at Mt. Carmel High School (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM).  Other times may be available by appointment.  For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact [email protected].  


 When a course is taken through Edgenuity for Acceleration, the course will be coded on the student transcript   as an online course.  Online courses may affect students' NCAA eligibility.  If this is of concern, please       contact your school site counselor or registrar to be sure that you are enrolled in a version of the course that   will not  affect your NCAA eligibility.  Ensure that an NCAA athlete does not take an Edgenuity Credit   Recovery course.
For questions, please email [email protected]

Tamara Pickard, Office Assistant
858-748-0010, Ext. 2723
[email protected]
Priscilla Sanchez, Summer School Principal

Patty Hurtt, Director
[email protected]

Kathleen Porter, Executive Director
[email protected]