Learning/Student Support » PUSD Racial Equity & Inclusion » Racial Equity & Inclusion Plan

Racial Equity & Inclusion Plan

The Poway Unified School District Board of Education unanimously approved Resolution #116- 2020, publicly affirming the District’s commitment to fighting racism and correcting systemic inequity. The District and the Board of Education take an unwavering stand against racism and discrimination on our school campuses and in our work environments. We value the diversity that exists amongst our students, staff, families, and community members. We strive to empower student success by ensuring safe, inclusive, innovative, and equitable learning environments for every person, regardless of the color of their skin or ethnicity. The District and the Board of Education acknowledge the need to provide racially and culturally diverse curriculum resources and course offerings for students, coupled with professional learning for teachers and staff focused on culturally responsive instruction and anti-bias training.