Vision and Mission Statement
Welcome to the Poway Unified School District! We are a national leader in K-12 public education. The Poway Unified School District is located in northern San Diego County, California. PUSD operates 41 schools located in the cities of San Diego and Poway: 25 elementary schools (TK-5), two elementary & middle school combination (TK-8th), six middle schools (6-8), one continuation high school, five comprehensive high schools (9-12), one middle college and one adult school. We serve over 35,000 students and our District is the third largest school district in San Diego County.
PUSD Vision Statement:
To create culture and conditions to empower world-class learners
PUSD Mission Statement:
Inspiring Passion and Preparing Every Student to Thrive in College, Career, and Life by Providing Personalized, Rich, and Rigorous Learning Experiences
Board Goals:
- Empower Student Success by ensuring that all learning environments are safe, inclusive, innovative, and equitable.
- Create Student-Centered Learning Environments to prepare our students to thrive in college, career, and life.
- Provide High Quality Professional Learning for Teachers and Staff to promote the culture and conditions that empower world-class learners.
- Engage Parents, Business, and Community Partners to foster shared responsibility and accountability in order to deliver personalized, rich, and rigorous learning experiences.
- Invest in Facilities and Infrastructure to enhance environments that maximize student and staff success.
- Demonstrate Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency by aligning resources to meet the diverse and dynamic needs of our students, staff, and community.
Attitudes Expected For All Students and Staff
Honesty, integrity, responsibility, loyalty, keeping promises, pursuing excellence, being kind and caring, and being respectful, being fair, and being a good citizen.