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Planning Contacts

13626 Twin Peaks Road
Poway, CA 92064
 (858) 679-2570

Our Vision

We are a diverse, empowered, cohesive team, recognized as a world-class support service dedicated to all students learning. We provide the best facilities, resources and services in the most effective and efficient manner. We achieve this vision through teamwork that values and rewards communication, respect, trust and innovation.

Planning Department

Director Rheia Alschbach [email protected] (858) 679-2570 x 2447
Planning Analyst Kari Kibbe  [email protected] (858) 679-2570 x 2186

Developer Fee Collection Hours

Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

No Fee Collection on Fridays
Mello Roos Prepayment Request
As presented at the June 2020 Board meeting, the District is evaluating the possibilities of reducing or terminating the CFDs and IAs special taxes earlier than the original termination dates. Please refer to Special Tax Reduction Plan for more information regarding the potential special tax reduction plan. Each taxpayer considering prepaying the special taxes should take the aforementioned into consideration when deciding whether to proceed with the prepayment based your unique circumstances.

If you are interested in payoff calculation of your Mello Roos Special Taxes, please follow the procedures below
Deadline for Prepayments Requests:
April 30 of each tax year