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Risk Management

Risk Management

Frank Issa[email protected],  Director of Risk Management, 858-521-2788
Leea Robinson[email protected], Assistant Director, Risk Management, 858-521-2789
Priscilla Simmons[email protected], Administrative Assistant II, 858-521-2787
Visit Risk Management Resources for Ergonomics Quick Reference Guides and Risk Management Forms, including Student Incident Report, Assumption of Potential Risk and Release Liability Agreement for Voluntary Activity, Public Report of Injury or Incident, and Certificate of Liability of Insurance Request form. See Risk Management.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Workers’ Comp Desk: (858) 521- 2852; FAX: 858-485-1355

If there was contact of bodily fluid (an “exposure incident” is defined as a work related physical contact with someone’s blood or certain body fluids via your eyes, mouth, other mucous membranes, or non-intact skin.)

Visit the Bloodborne Pathogens page for a listing of Resource Nurses and Bloodborne Pathogen Resources.

Child Abuse Reporting and Mandated Reporting

Leea Robinson[email protected] Assistant Director, Risk Management, 858-521-2789
School personnel play a key role in identifying and helping abused children. Children spend the majority of their day in school, where you have regular contact and the ability to observe changes in appearance and behavior that others may not notice. ... you may be the one trusted adult to whom a child confides in about abuse. It’s critical that you know how to recognize the signs and report suspected abuse. LEARN MORE at our Mandated Reporting Webpage...
Learn more about Mandated Reporting and Mandated Training.  Mandated Reporting webpage


Workers Compensation

Workers’ Comp Desk: (858) 521- 2852; FAX: 858-485-1355
A safe working environment is our number one priority. However, should an accident or injury occur we want to ensure that our employees receive prompt effective medical treatment. See the Workers Compensation page for more details.

The PPAP Induction program offers a two-year commission approved program to teachers seeking to clear their preliminary credential. ​​ California Teacher Induction is a State-led program in conjunction with the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). California Teacher Induction programs are locally designed and implemented. Click here for more information regarding PPAP Induction program.