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Superintendent Messages

June 12, 2024 Notice of Changes in Bus Services for 2024-2025 
Dear PUSD Families,
Poway Unified has long provided safe and efficient bus transportation for our students. Over the last several years, providing these services has become increasingly more difficult. A shortage of available bus drivers has significantly impeded our ability to provide transportation services at the level our students require. This last school year, in spite of aggressive recruitment efforts, we were short 30 bus drivers almost the entire year. This resulted in buses being loaded to capacity and often delayed in their arrival times to schools. Compounding this, California legislators passed a first-of-its-kind law requiring that public high schools begin classes no earlier than 8:30 a.m., and that middle schools start no earlier than 8 a.m.  The passage of this law reduced our transportation department’s flexibility to stagger bus routes, exacerbating the driver-shortage problem. Our first priority in the school year ahead will be to provide reliable, on-time home-to-school transportation services for students accessing mandated bussing as well as for as many other students that we can accommodate. This will necessitate making some changes to our general education (non-mandated) bus services for the 2024-2025 school year. Over the last several months, staff has explored numerous options to address these challenges, many of which were not feasible (making no changes at all) or too extreme (cutting all general education routes).  
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this challenging situation. The following are anticipated changes effective August 2024:
Reduced Number of General Education Routes
  • Starting next school year, we will reduce the number of general education routes for home to school transportation from 25 to 11. We have not determined which specific routes will be consolidated or reduced. This will be determined based upon rider distance from the school.
  • We will be increasing the number of mandated routes from 69 to 72.
  • The cost of an annual bus pass for remaining general education routes will increase from $725 to $950 annually.  NOTE: It costs PUSD approximately $1,550 annually to transport one student, so PUSD will continue to subsidize bus passes $600 annually.
  • We will continue to actively recruit bus drivers, and as new drivers are hired and trained, we will add additional bus routes strategically (prioritizing legal mandates and safety concerns).
Adjusted Non-Transportable Boundaries 
  • We are increasing the non-transportable boundaries by half a mile for each grade level.
  • Bus stops may be re-established, pending driver availability. 
Updated Information on Eligibility and Bus Schedules 
  • Bus stop locations will be published as soon as possible; however, please note that the information we provide may be tentative and subject to change.
  • School bus transportation eligibility information is available now.
  • We expect to have most of the general education bus schedules for the 2024-2025 school year ready by July 19, 2024. 
We advise you to follow the following steps to check the most updated information on eligibility and bus schedules: 
We anticipate sharing additional information and updates with you in the coming weeks (mid-July).  Recognizing the significant impact the changes above may potentially have on you and your child, we are continuing to actively recruit and train new drivers so that we can meet the transportation demands in our community.  In the interim period, we appreciate your support and understanding. 
PUSD Transportation Department
June 5, 2024 Message from Interim Superintendent - Important Budget Update
Dear Team PUSD,
As we wind down the 2023-24 school year, I wanted to follow up with you on our district's financial situation. As I shared with you a few months ago, due to the State budget crisis, sunsetting COVID relief funds, and declining enrollment/lower attendance rates, PUSD is facing its largest budget deficit since the Great Recession (2008): a $28 million shortfall that we will need to address over the next two years.
Since sharing this news, we received many ideas and suggestions from you and our families via our Thoughtexchange survey platform.  We have also engaged in hours of conversation with PUSD staff as well as with the leadership of Poway Federation of Teachers, Poway School Employees Association, and Association of Poway School Managers.  During last night’s School Board meeting, staff shared a Proposed Budget First Reading with the Board.
Here are the Proposed 2024-25 Budget Solutions ($12,500,000):
  • Freeze vacant management positions (primarily at the district office level)
  • Implement new health and welfare models for teachers and managers
  • Reduce mileage stipends for managers
  • Reduce departmental budgets
  • Sweep supplemental funds
  • Manage Educationally Disadvantaged Youth funds centrally
  • In accordance with available drivers, increase the number of bus routes serving students mandated to receive transportation services; reduce the number of bus routes serving students not mandated to receive this service; increase bus pass fees (affected families will receive a separate email from the Transportation Department)
  • Reduce vacant psychologist positions (from 55 positions to 51 positions)
  • Reduce Teacher on Special Assignment positions at the elementary school level
  • Re-envision programs such as XPloration, Voyager, Connect Academy, Poway-to-Palomar Middle College, and Poway Homeschool/New Directions
  • Reduce budget standards at school sites (discretionary/operational) by 20%
  • Additionally, any non-essential facilities/capital projects that require general fund dollars will be postponed and/or delayed.
For more details and further explanation to the above solutions, please refer to the recording of last night's School Board meeting. (Budget item starts at 01:41:30)
NOTE: By way of reminder, in this first phase of tackling this budget challenge, no permanent employees lost their jobs.  Additionally, we retained most of our staff (classified and certificated) who are responsible for supporting student wellness/mental health, which is a priority for our Board and community.
While we fell a little short of achieving our goal ($15,000,000 in budget cuts in year one), we made significant progress positioning ourselves to address this problem next fall when we will again be faced with identifying another $15,000,000 in budget cuts. 
Navigating a financial crisis of this magnitude is a tremendous leadership challenge.  I want to thank you for engaging with us as we explored our options these last few months.  I want to thank you for the grace you extended to our team even as we were delivering disappointing news, and I want to assure you, as we go forward, we will continue to engage with you as partners as we explore additional options for budget cuts next school year.
In closing, I also want to acknowledge our School Board.  They have maintained their commitment to keeping cuts as far away from the classroom as possible.  While the road ahead will not be easy, I am confident that by continuing to work together we’ll get through this.
On behalf of our students and their families, thank you for your hard work and dedication.  Thank you for maintaining your focus on learning and taking such incredible care of our kids. 
Greg Mizel
Interim Superintendent
Poway Unified School District
PUSD Board of Education Statement on Superintendent - April 30, 2024
During closed session, the Board voted unanimously to terminate for cause Dr. Phelps’ Employment Agreement and services as Superintendent of Poway Unified School District, effective immediately.
The independent investigation, which was initiated on November 15, 2023, and concluded April 18, 2024, included interviews with 41 witnesses and the review of many documents. The investigation brought to light previously unknown evidence from witnesses with direct first-hand knowledge, that contradicted Dr. Phelps’ statements and assertions to the Board, District staff, and the public.
Based on her conduct, as revealed to the Board through the investigation, the Board has lost all confidence and trust in Dr. Phelps’ ability to continue to serve as Superintendent, as well as in her ability to continue to work collaboratively with the Board as part of Poway Unified’s governance team.
Because the investigation involves student and personnel issues, in accordance with state and federal law, no additional details will be provided at this time. Greg Mizel will continue in his role as Interim Superintendent during this period of transition.
-Michelle O'Connor-Ratcliff
PUSD Board President

Interim Superintendent Budget Message:

March 7, 2024


Dear Team PUSD,

I want to take a moment to share some important information regarding our district's financial situation. As many of you may already be aware, based on current fiscal projections, PUSD is facing its largest budget deficit since the Great Recession (2008): a $28 million shortfall that we will need to address over the next two years, with a minimum of $15 million in budget solutions required for the 2024-25 school year.

This challenging financial landscape is a result of the State budget circumstance, which includes a projected $73 billion shortfall and an unprecedented reduction in the Prop 98 Guarantee for education funding. Factors such as the sunsetting of COVID pandemic relief, anemic Cost of Living Adjustment, declining enrollment, lower attendance rates, and increasing operating costs have all contributed to an ongoing, multi-year structural deficit for PUSD. Many school districts across the state will face similar challenges. You may have seen, just yesterday, it was announced that a neighboring school district will be issuing pink slips to over 200 employees.

While the fiscal situation is quite serious and requires imminent attention, I want to assure you that we are navigating this challenging moment in a thoughtful manner. Thanks to the keen foresight of our school board and the business support services division, PUSD is better positioned to respond to this challenge than many other school districts in the region. No permanent PUSD employees will face layoffs for the coming year. As part of this initial budget review process, we are beginning to have conversations with the leadership of PFT, PSEA, and APSM on how best to approach the budget reduction process for the 2024-25 school year. We are all in agreement: we hope to make cuts as far away from the classroom as possible. We are actively exploring a number of budget solution ideas that include freezing vacant management positions, reducing departmental budgets, reimagining programs all while being responsive to the priorities you helped establish through our recent Thoughtexchange survey. It is crucial that we all understand the significance of this challenge and work together to navigate it with patience, creativity, collaboration, and a proactive mindset.

While we are not in a unique situation, what is unique is that we have some of the very best people committed to serving our students and community. Your strong sense of purpose and remarkable willingness to go above and beyond is on full display daily. Your dedication and resilience in the face of challenges are what truly set us apart and give me hope for the future. As the rumors begin to swirl, and they will, please assume good intentions. If you hear something that is particularly concerning, please reach out to me directly.

I encourage you all to stay informed by tuning into the Board meetings and keeping an eye out for budget updates as we learn more at the state level and proceed with building the 2024-25 budget. Your input and innovative ideas are invaluable as we strive to minimize the negative impact on our staff, programs, and organization. If you have any suggestions you’d like to share, you can do so via Thoughtexchange here.


Please know that your support and positive efforts to keep student learning at the forefront of our daily activities are deeply appreciated. Our school board and leadership team will do everything we can to minimize the impact of cuts coming. While the road ahead may not be easy, I am confident that by working together and taking good care of each other, we will successfully navigate this fiscal crisis.

On behalf of our students and their families, thank you for your hard work and dedication. You matter, and in moments like these, you make all the difference.


Greg Mizel

Interim Superintendent


PUSD 2024-25 Budget

February 12, 2024 Message from Interim Superintendent


Dear Team PUSD,

As you all have now likely heard, I was asked by the Board of Education to step into the role of Interim Superintendent of Poway Unified School District at last Thursday evening’s school board meeting. While it’s a daunting challenge stepping into a role like this suddenly and unexpectedly, it was an honor to be asked to serve in this moment.


For those of you who may not know me well, I have had the privilege of working in education for over 30 years now. I’ve spent the last 20 years working in PUSD. During that time, I have served as a principal at every level: K-8, middle school, new school, and comprehensive high school. More recently, I have worked in the district office as an Associate Superintendent. Each leadership position I have held has both stretched and humbled me, expanding my perspective and appreciation for each of you who work so hard to ensure our students’ daily needs are met. 


Moments like these happen in organizations, and when they do, a range of emotions can follow. I want to assure you, we’ll get through this together. I understand that change can bring uncertainty, but it also brings opportunities for growth and renewal. If the Great Recession of 2008 and a worldwide pandemic couldn’t stop us, believe me, this won’t either! I’ve seen you in action, and when you pull together, Team PUSD is an unstoppable force! 


Thank you for continuing to take such great care of our kids, and thank you for taking care of each other. While visiting with staff in classrooms, warehouses, kitchens, and office spaces, I am frequently reminded of the collective effort it takes to support our students' growth and well-being. We have amazing people serving in a wide variety of roles across PUSD. Thank you! Your hard work and your sincere desire to help others is noticed and inspiring. It’s your passion and your dedication that drives our organization to excel year after year. And you are the reason why I am fully convinced our best days are ahead.


As Interim Superintendent, it’s my job to make certain your needs are being met. I hope you will find me approachable, eager to listen, and willing to learn. If you do not, I also hope you will give me some grace as I adapt to this role, and reach out to let me know how I can improve. Your patience, understanding, and support as we navigate this transition in leadership mean the world to me. Please know that my door is always open, and I am here to support you in any way I can. 


Warmest regards,


Greg Mizel

Interim Superintendent

Poway Unified School District