Board/Communications » State of the District » 2018 State of the District

2018 State of the District

 Dr PhelpsThe Poway Unified School District hosted a State of the District Breakfast on November 14, 2018. The goal of the breakfast was to highlight staff and student accomplishments, set strategic goals and initiatives for the future, cultivate strong partnerships, and share stories of excellence and innovation. The theme was “Creating conditions and culture to support world class learners,” and the event incorporated our students and their work as much as possible, including a musical performance from Westview High’s choir, a bilingual student from Valley leading the pledge, a student speaker from Meadowbrook Middle School, student greeters from the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council as well as artwork from Del Sur Elementary students decorating the walls.
Utilizing videos, a print publication, and power point presentation, Superintendent Phelps and Cabinet members detailed the progress the District has been able to make under new leadership, and the direction PUSD is headed next.
Because this was the first event of its kind for the District, we wanted to start small, welcoming nearly 100 attendees from throughout our community, including students, District leadership, parent volunteers, city and county leaders, as well as business and education partners. We hope to expand to a larger venue for future events so more of our stakeholders can attend. Thank you to all who attended for your continued support of PUSD’s mission of college and career readiness. Dr Burks

We invite you to review our 2018 State of the District Publication and watch the 2018 State of the District Breakfast video below. We apologize for the lack of audio during the Westview choir performance.