Facilities Use Insurance Information
Poway Unified does not assist any organization with insurance. Each organization is responsible for obtaining adequate insurance and a separate endorsement, in a timely manner, as outlined on this web page. A certificate of liability insurance and a separate attached endorsement (with PUSD requirements met) must be sent to the facilities office together, please do not send the endorsement separately from the certificate. Failure to provide adequate insurance will result in the request being declined and will not be reinstated. Poway Unified will not refer any organization to an insurance broker or assist any organization with finding adequate insurance. The district office will not accept calls from insurance agents on behalf of the organization. Inadequate certificates are returned to the “insured” on the certificate with specific instructions regarding what is incorrect and/or inadequate with the certificate and/or endorsement. It is the responsibility of the organization to update their insurance if the organizations insurance expires during their Approved/Activated requests.
Insurance Requirements:
External agencies utilizing Poway Unified School District facilities must provide the following insurance coverage:
The minimum required limits of coverage are:
General Aggregate: $2,000,000 (annual)
General Liability: $1,000,000 (per occurrence)
Products-Comp/Ops Aggregate: $1,000,000
Personal and Ad. Injury: $1,000,000
Each Occurrence: $1,000,000
Damage to Rented Premises/Fire Damage: $100,000*
Medical Expense (per person) $5,000
PUSD does not have insurance references nor is PUSD required to assist any organization with insurance. It is the responsibility of the organization to be sure the certificate meets PUSD requirements and the separate endorsement is attached. Inadequate insurance will be returned to the 'insured' with a copy of this page.
Coverage must be per occurrence, not claims made. *Activities that place buildings at risk for fire (use of kitchen, portable, lighting, heavy electrical gear, pyrotechnics) should have a $1,000,000 Fire/Property limit. Fireworks are strictly prohibited on PUSD Property. Any group requesting Firework activity on school property must contact Risk Management for more information. Additionally, smoke/fog machines are prohibited.
Certificate holder must state:
Poway Unified School District
Attn: Risk Management
13626 Twin Peaks Road
Poway, CA 92064
An endorsement is not additional insurance.
If you are an external group, you will be required to provide the insurance stated above. There are no exceptions to the limitations. You may submit your application before you submit your insurance. However your application will not be approved and processed until adequate insurance is received by facilities. Do not wait to submit your insurance.
Attention: Facilities Use Department
Poway Unified School District
13626 Twin Peaks Road
Poway, CA 92064