District Departments » Career Technical, Adult, and Alternative Education » Career Technical, Adult, Alternative Education

Career Technical, Adult, Alternative Education

Kathleen Porter, Executive Director 
Sarah Cockrell, Executive Assistant
Twin Peaks Center
13626 Twin Peaks Road, Poway, CA 92064
(858) 668-4024

Career Technical, Adult, and Alternative Education

Title Name Phone Email
Executive Director Kathleen Porter 858-668-4024 x4016 kporter@powayusd.com
Executive Assistant Sarah Cockrell 858-668-4024 x4001
Accounting Assistant Tammy Cadwell 858-668-4024 x4004 tcadwell@powayusd.com
Programmer Analyst III Gayathri Sankaran 858-668-4024 x4010 gsankaran@powayusd.com
Career Education Specialist Sharon Mah 858-668-4024 x4031 fmah@powayusd.com


Title Name Phone Email
Director Lynn McConville 858-668-4024 x4003 lmcconville@powayusd.com
Administrative Assistant II Chris Foran 858-668-4024 x4014 cforan@powayusd.com
Career Education Specialist Jeremy Martin 858-668-4024 x4021 jemartin@powayusd.com
Career Education Specialist Brian Murphy 858-668-4024 x4035 brmurphy@powayusd.com
Career Education Specialist Jamal Felton 858-668-4024 x4044  

POWAY ADULT SCHOOL, (858) 668-4024 | Online Registration

Title Name Phone Email
Assistant Principal - Community Ed David Guzman 858-668-4024 x4009 dguzman@powayusd.com
Administrative Assistant Nicole Curtis 858-668-4024 x4011 ncurtis@powayusd.com
Career Education Specialist Sara Kende 858-668-4024 x4022
Lead Office Specialist (Registration) Gale Ching 858-668-4024 x4013
Office Specialist (Registration) Mee Smith 858-668-4024 x4007 meesmith@powayusd.com
Office Specialist (Registration) Alexis McGruder 858-668-4024 x4023 amcgruder@powayusd.com
Office Specialist (Registration) Susy Lozoya 858-668-4024 x4017
Assistant Principal - Academic Pgrms Pam Garramone 858-668-4024 x4018 pgarramone@powayusd.com
Counselor Brenda Connors 858-668-4024 x4015
Administrative Assistant II Stephanie Ream 858-668-4024 x4006 sream@powayusd.com
Technology Trainer Dr. Matthew Rhoads 858-668-4024 x4020 mrhoads@powayusd.com
Career Education Specialist Jamal Felton 858-668-4024 x4015


NEW DIRECTIONS (858) 748-0010 x2420, FAX (858) 679-2630

Title Name Phone Email
Director (Alt Pgrms) Patty Hurtt 858-679-2531 phurtt@powayusd.com
Administrative Assistant II Cindy Long 858-748-0010 x2063 clong@powayusd.com
Office Assistant Tamara Pickard 858-748-0010 x2723 tpickard@powayusd.com
Youth In Transition Coordinator (YIT) Laura Upson 858-748-0010 x2039 lupson@powayusd.com

PUSD Foundation/ Partners in Education: (858) 668-4028

Title Name Phone Email
Partnership Coordinator Katie Salo 858-668-4024 x4114 ksalo@powayusd.com
Administrative Assistant Kelly Hamm 858-668-4024 x4041 kehamm@powayusd.com


Our offices are located at the Poway Unified School District's Twin Peaks Center at:

13626 Twin Peaks Road, Poway, CA 92064 | (858) 668-4024

Our front office door is located directly behind the flag pole.  From Highway 15, take the Camino Del Norte exit east.  Camino Del Norte becomes Twin Peaks Road.  We are located at the northeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Midland Road.