Senior Picnic - Cap/Gown/Graduation Tix

Senior Picnic - Cap/Gown/Graduation Tix

  • Enter into the picnic through the gate on Deer Ridge Road (near Camino San Bernardo)

  • Bring your Senior Checkout Card, yearbook, beach chair, beach blanket, lawn games, and water.

  • Students are required to sign in at the entrance!

  • Important Tasks/Times:

    • Cap/Gown & Graduation Ticket Distribution 11am - 1pm

      • Senior Checkout Card Needed!

      • Seniors will receive 6 graduation tickets for early admission. (ADA accessible seating is included and must be arranged online or with Ms. Stuber by June 2nd.)

      • Those unable to attend the picnic can pick these up from their counselor after graduation practice.

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