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Facilities Use Administration



All internal groups must complete an online request for any time after 4:00 pm, week-ends, or legal holidays.

PTA, Foundation, Boosters, PTSA's all must fill out an application of use of school property or make an online request when they are on school property at any time. These groups are also required to have a Certificate of Liability insurance and Endorsement.

The school must approve all requests for Library, Gym and Classroom use. No other areas require school approval after 4:00 pm.

California Civic Code reads that all schools are available for public use when school is not in session.

The Registrar of Voters have priority over all groups.

For Carnival's, Harvest Festivals, Grade Nights, Family Fun Nights PTA, PTSA, Boosters, Foundations need to complete a form with a detailed list of the events, outside vendors and food preparation. An event form will be emaild to you once you submit your online request. No event will be approved until this form is submitted and returned with approval from the Facilties Department.

Please hand out the "Rules and Regulations for Facility Use" with each application. Original Certificates of Liability Insurance must be sent to the Maintenance and Operations Department at the District Office, attention: Facility Use.

  1. Check to make sure that the event being scheduled is AT LEAST 30 days away. Applications without the 30 day notice will be returned as denied.
  2. Please check to make sure the applicant has written a.m. or p.m.
    Field booking times are 7:00 am through 10:30 pm. There is no field use on Sundays.
  3. There are charges on Weekends and legal Holidays for internal groups. A custodian MUST be on the property for the event at all times.
  4. All requests for use of any High School facility must be approved by the school before the application will be processed.
  5. Facilities does not check for availability, this information may be obtained when making a request.

All external groups using school property at all times need insurance and an endorsement. This includes events that take place during school hours including all assemblies, school portraits, vendors...

The Registrar of Voters will take priority over all functions; Pursuant to Election Code Section 12283: "Authorization of Use of Schools and Other Public Buildings, if a city or county elections official specifically requests the use of a school building for polling places on an election day the governing body having jurisdiction over the particular school building shall allow its use for the purpose requested."

Online requests must be received by the district office, 30 days prior to use. This includes all internal events, professional growth days... Failure to comply will result in the request being cancelled.

Any group (i.e., PTA, ASB, PTSA, Teachers) bringing in a vendor is required to have the vendor complete an application for use of school property and have adequate insurance and an endorsement. This would include Photographers (for school pictures), caterers, book clubs, DJ's,  food trucks etc. For specific questions, please call 858-679-2661.

Principals and Administrative Assistants at the school site are responsible for obtaining adequate insurance and separate endorsement for all external groups that use school property prior to 4:00 pm. The Principal and the Administrative Assistant assume liability for events on their campus during school days, prior to 4:00 pm when school is in session.