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Student Support Services

Greg Mizel, Associate Superintendent
Student Support Services
Stacey Davis, Executive Assistant
15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA  92128
(858) 521-2800  Ext. 2832 | Fax:  (858) 485-1501

Your student's safety is our #1 priority!


National Mental Health Awareness Month

In an effort to help reduce the stigma around mental health struggles that too often prevent individuals from seeking help, a resolution will be presented to the Board on May 9th for adoption, recognizing the month of May as National Mental Health Awareness Month.

It is our interest for anyone affected by mental illness to get the appropriate support and quality of care needed to live a healthy and fulfilling life and to create welcoming and inclusive school campuses where no one feels alone in their struggle. During the month of May staff will focus on the healing value of connecting in safe ways, prioritizing mental health, and acknowledging that it is okay not to be okay.  On May 23, PUSD will  also host a Safety Summit focused on Student Wellness and Mental Health.